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Pumpkin Spice Herbs

Fall is just around the corner, but September first marks the beginning of pumpkin spice season for most Americans. There are the usual suspects of lattes, candles, and lotions - but these days, the list continues to expand, including things like M&Ms, chips, even pumpkin spice flavored sausage! Starbucks' signature latte was first introduced in 2003. It very quickly became their most popular seasonal beverage, and exploded into the modern craze that exists today, but pumpkin spice has been around for a lot longer than the last fifteen years.I'm sure it's not shocking to learn that while pumpkin spice may taste like a delicious homemade pumpkin pie, most products on the market have no pumpkin in them. Instead, they contain the spices that are traditionally associated...

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Product Spotlight: FLU BUSTER

This year's flu season is all over the news, with more people visiting the hospital with the flu or flu-like symptoms than in nearly a decade. You can try to keep your immune system in great shape by eating right, staying active, and taking your vitamins every day. But if you do end up with a cold or the flu, our FLU BUSTER formula was created to help!  Let's dive in and get to know this formula and why it works so well to fight cold and flu symptoms! YARROW The first ingredient in this formula is a plant native to the northern hemisphere that grows freely just about anywhere- some might even call it a weed. Yarrow is a powerful fever reducer that works by relaxing...

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Product Spotlight: Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass is a beautifully fragrant herb that is commonly used to add a subtle citrus flavor to Asian cuisine. As an herb, Lemongrass has been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicine to treat illness, fevers and to boost immune system function. As an essential oil, Lemongrass has many beneficial uses that might surprise you! This blog post contains some of the most common benefits of lemongrass essential oil and some recipes for using this bright oil in your home. NATURAL DEODORIZER: Lemongrass oil can be used in homemade deodorants, room sprays and household cleaners to leave you and your home smelling delightfully fresh.  SKIN HEALTH: Lemongrass oil can be used as an effective cleanser for all skin types; its antiseptic and astringent properties can balance issues with...

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Herbal Education: Ginger

What kind of herbal allies do you have in your herbal medicine chest? Many families have traditional herbal remedies passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes it is lemon and honey for a sore throat or horehound cough drops. If you have ever wanted to put together an herbal medicine chest, start with ginger. It is an herb that is GRAS (generally regarded as safe). Ginger is a warming herb that is used in gingerbread and ginger ale. It is frequently used in cooking Indian and Chinese food. It has several medicinal purposes, and is one of the few herbs that has been studied and approved by the FDA. Ginger is the winter herb for our home. It increases circulation...

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Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Being in the high desert can be frustrating to the gardener in us, but the benefit of living in a climate that is inhospitable to most plants is that air pollen tend to stay at a reasonably low number. However, fall in Southern Utah means that the Rabbit Brush is in full bloom, and it is EVERYWHERE. This cheerful, yellow, flowering bush brings allergy misery to many of us well into the winter months. Here are our favorite natural solutions to seasonal allergies- regardless of the season you find yourself sneezing in!   1) Wash the pollen away Sometimes, relief is as simple as showering in the evening instead of the morning- washing the pollen out of your hair and eyelashes before bed prevents...

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