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How to Pick a Good Watermelon + Recipe

Nothing marks the official beginning of Summer like a good watermelon, but how many times have you stood over a bin of watermelons in the store wondering which one to choose? The stakes are high... choose wrong and you're stuck with 15-20 pounds of gritty, bitter, or unrripe fruit that will either be reluctantly eaten or thrown away- neither of which is a desirable option. Watermelon is full of so many incredible nutrients that help balance your body's fluid levels, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, and support heart health, don't miss out on these great healing properties by choosing a melon you won't eat.  Here are our tips to choosing a great melon every time, plus a delicious watermelon slushy recipe!  How to...

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Road Trip Essentials

Bags packed... Check!Fuel tank filled... Check!Reservations made ... Check!Memorial weekend marks the offical start of summer road trip season. Before you put the car in drive and pull out of the driveway, make sure you pack some of these road trip essentials!  TUMMY RUB - This essential oil blend combats motion sickness so effectively! Simply opening the bottle and smelling this essential oil blend can soothe a queasy stomach. Tummy rub also comes in handy when road food causes digestive upset. Rub a few drops on the stomach or place 1-2 drops on the tongue for relief.  CUTS & BRUISES - Cuts & Bruises essential oil blend is a must-have for road trip first aid, bug bites, and sunburns. Keep a bottle...

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Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Being in the high desert can be frustrating to the gardener in us, but the benefit of living in a climate that is inhospitable to most plants is that air pollen tend to stay at a reasonably low number. However, fall in Southern Utah means that the Rabbit Brush is in full bloom, and it is EVERYWHERE. This cheerful, yellow, flowering bush brings allergy misery to many of us well into the winter months. Here are our favorite natural solutions to seasonal allergies- regardless of the season you find yourself sneezing in!   1) Wash the pollen away Sometimes, relief is as simple as showering in the evening instead of the morning- washing the pollen out of your hair and eyelashes before bed prevents...

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Healthy Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially underway, and the long, hot days bring many opportunities for improving your health that simply aren't available in the dreary cold of winter. Try adding these activities to your summer bucket list, and watch how your vitality improves! 1- GROW A GARDENGrowing your own produce is a great way to get your family connected to their food in a way that simply cannot be replicated in a grocery store. Watching little zucchini, bell peppers or tomatoes grow from blossoms to ripened fruit is magical, and when your produce is home grown you know that it is picked at the peak of ripeness when the food is simply bursting with beneficial vitamins and enzymes. Also, the microbes found in soil...

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