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How to naturally treat and prevent UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

Did you know that the overall incidence of severe urinary tract infections increases significantly during the hot summer months? There are several reasons for this, such as: Swimsuit wear (synthetic fabric holding moisture and bacteria in) Humidity/sweat creating a perfect environment for bacterial growth Holding urine in on long trips Dehydration is more common in the summer Being unable to wash hands or properly wipe during outdoor trips Common symptoms of UTIs include a burning sensation when peeing, frequent urination, cloudy or dark urine, urine with a strong odor, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, and pelvic pain. So, when you're faced with the symptoms of a UTI, what should you do?  Water First of all, drink a TON of water if...

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How to Pick a Good Watermelon + Recipe

Nothing marks the official beginning of Summer like a good watermelon, but how many times have you stood over a bin of watermelons in the store wondering which one to choose? The stakes are high... choose wrong and you're stuck with 15-20 pounds of gritty, bitter, or unrripe fruit that will either be reluctantly eaten or thrown away- neither of which is a desirable option. Watermelon is full of so many incredible nutrients that help balance your body's fluid levels, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, and support heart health, don't miss out on these great healing properties by choosing a melon you won't eat.  Here are our tips to choosing a great melon every time, plus a delicious watermelon slushy recipe!  How to...

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Ten Health Benefits from Backyard Gardening

If you've followed us on social media or subscribed to our email newsletters, I'm sure it will be no surprise to you that we are passionate about gardening here at Nature Works. The herbs and veggies in our gardens are almost like family- we put a lot of thought into their placement and care, some get talked to or scolded for not staying in their designated area (I'm looking at you, Motherwort), and all have a purpose and plan in place for their value as medicine, food, or beauty.  When we surround ourselves with growing plants, we’re getting more than just a lovely view. The sensory experience of being involved in nature and the growth process of plants stirs powerful healing processes in our bodies...

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Product Spotlight: Bug Off

Spending time outside in nature, camping, picnicking, fishing, and getting plenty of vitamin D are synonymous with summertime around here. Like many active families, we do our best to protect ourselves from harmful sun damage and bug bites while we're out enjoying nature.  Did you know that rates of tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease are on the rise, along with West Nile Virus and other diseases carried and spread by our six-legged neighbors? Thank goodness for bug spray... right? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the main active ingredient in most bug sprays, DEET, is known to cause adverse effects such as neurological deficits, seizures, skin rashes, and cardiovascular events. Just like the toxins found in your sunscreens, this stuff is almost as detrimental to your...

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