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13 wellness gift ideas

It's that magical time of year, when we gather together with friends and family, to give and receive gifts and celebrate the season with those we love. After the past few years, health is at the top of everyone's wish list, or at least at the forefront of their minds. Giving someone a gift that will help them prioritize their well-being lets them know that you care. And since wellness can take so many forms, there’s no shortage of gifts out there to give to the people on your list who love to (or need to) to invest in self-care. As an added bonus, most of these gifts can be locally sourced, creating a smaller environmental impact and supporting small...

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Heathy gift ideas for neighbors, teachers and coworkers

What a magical time of year it is! I have always loved the spirit of Christmas. I am especially fond of spending time with family, sitting by the fireplace as snow falls, and watching children’s eyes sparkle with excitement.  As wonderful as the Christmas season is, we all know it can sometimes be stressful. The to-do list grows each day with more shopping, wrapping, cooking, and so forth. In addition to all the gifts made or purchased for those we love, many people give their neighbors, kids' teachers and coworkers gifts, adding even more to their to-do lists. Luckily, you can give your neighbors and friends something special that doesn’t involve spending hours in the kitchen. Instead of making time-consuming,...

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Natural Remedies for Headache Pain

Anyone who suffers from headaches or migraines knows just how debilitating they can be. You may feel ambitious, write a to-do list for the next day, and then have your plans be ruined by a crippling headache. Headache pain can range from irritating to debilitating, and can make simple, daily tasks become difficult to complete.    I often work with clients who experience frequent headaches, and we always start our protocol with these steps:  Stay hydrated! Often when you reach for the pain pills, you should first reach for a glass of water. Studies show that one in ten people with headaches are dehydrated, and a shocking 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. When your brain doesn’t have the water it needs, it...

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5 Tips for a Strong Immune System!

I love the cool, crisp feeling of fall air. Autumn is truly a magical time of year.  The kids are in the classroom once again, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are changing... but leaves and weather are not the only big changes happening.   One of the only drawbacks of this lovely changing season is increased exposure to germs. Shorter days and cooler weather means we are spending more time indoors and in closer proximity to each other, which, along with less exposure to Vitamin D producing sunlight, less fresh produce and more sugary treats, contributes to cold & flu season. With so many inevitable viruses and bacterial infections making their way throughout your community, you may wonder what you can...

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Natural and Effective Supplements to Regulate Blood Sugar

Type II diabetes is a growing problem in the US. More than 34 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, which equates to almost 11% of the US population. Every year, 1.5 million additional Americans are diagnosed with this disease. While these numbers may seem alarming, there is hope. In addition to living a healthy lifestyle that includes daily movement and proper nutrition, there are also herbal remedies that may help to prevent diabetes and support balanced blood sugar levels. When clients come to me with blood sugar concerns, there are various foods and supplements that I recommend to them.  Let’s explore some of these options and how they can help if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes.       Cinnamon - Several controlled studies...

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