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Immune Multi

Immune Multi

Regular price $ 52.00

IMMUNE MULTI ~ Our whole food vitamin is created from vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants that your body easily recognizes and absorbs as whole-food complexes. In creating this multi-vitamin formula, we took into consideration the combined use of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, herbs, and cell salts as they are indicated and used by the body for specific nutritional needs. 

Ingredients: Pancreatin, blue green algae, choline bitartrate, bee pollen, lecithin, omega 3, colostrum, deodorized garlic, probiotic blend [(600 million viable colonies), lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium bifidum, lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus salivarius, bifidobacterium infantis, streptococcus thermophilus, enterococcus faecium, acidophilus DDS-1, lactobacillus sporogenes], catalase (bovine liver) superoxide dismutase (SOD) papain, ox bile, royal jelly, apple pectin, apple fiber, bromelain, gotu kola, Siberian ginseng, alfalfa, barley grass, oat grass, wheat grass, trypsin from pancrealipase, taurine, beet root, asparagus, grape seed extract, PABA, inositol, RNA, DNA, amylase, bioflavinoids, betaine HCI, lipase, lysozyme, manganese (amino acid chelate), co enzyme Q10, rutin, brewers yeast, gingko biloba, hawthorne berries, L-glutathione, cellulase, L-cystine HCI, chymotrypsin, boron (amino acid chelate), octacosanol, chromium, selenium, calc. phos., calc sulph., ferr. phos., kali. mur., kali. phos., kali. sulph., mag. phos., nat. mur, nat. phos., nat. sulph., and silica.

Recommend: 3-6 caps per day

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