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Improving your digestion

Your lifestyle and your choice of foods can affect the way your body digests what you eat.

Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you live. By taking steps to improve your digestive health, you'll help your digestive system to function more efficiently, improving your overall health and sense of well-being.


Get More Fruits, Veggies and Grains

One of the first things to do when trying to take care of digestive problems is to take a look at your diet.  Are you getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet? Do you eat whole grains? If not, try to work more of these into your daily eating habits. In addition to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, These foods contain high amounts of fiber as well. A high-fiber diet helps to keep food moving through your digestive tract, preventing problems like constipation. 

Watch the Fat

You don’t have to go vegan, but at least consider cutting down on meat and dairy products if you are experiencing digestive problems. Meat and dairy products are higher in saturated fats than vegetables and these fatty foods tend to slow down the digestive process. There are so many delicious options for satisfying vegetarian and vegan meals, from Mac 'n Cheese, to tacos, to curry, and more! But don't swap your animal fats for other unhealthy fats, such as fried foods or foods containing hydrogenated oils! Keep it light and fresh.

Watch What You Drink 

Water is still the best thing that you can drink from day to day — but it is hard for water to compete with soft drinks, juice cocktails, sports drinks and the hundreds of other drinks now on the market. Digestion is a process that takes a lot of water, so commit to drinking 8 glasses of water each day. 

Avoid Triggers

If your stomach gets upset often, try to figure out what seems to be triggering it. While everyone is different, common culprits include dairy, fried foods, food additives and preservatives, spicy foods, and products containing gluten or corn. Sometimes it is the combination of certain foods that causes gastric distress, such as combing fats with carbohydrates. Keep a journal in order to see if there are any patterns and if you suspect that a certain food or food group might be a problem, eliminate it for a week or two and see if digestive problems improve. You could also schedule an appointment for a holistic health consultation to help you pinpoint certain allergies or sensitivities.

Herbal Digestive Support

There are several common and delicious herbs such as Peppermint, Ginger and Fennel have been shown to help soothe upset stomachs and prevent other problems like nausea. You can make a soothing tea, take them in capsules, or try one of our formulas designed to aid in digestion, such as Colic, Tummy Rub, or Digest Ease.


Enzymes are another excellent natural remedy to help improve digestion. They can be purchased as capsules or chewables, and they are great at relieving acute heartburn and indigestion.


Probiotics are the healthy bacteria naturally present in your digestive tract. Our bodies need a sufficient supply of probiotics in order to break down food efficiently and effectively. Probiotics can enhance nutrient absorption, help break down lactose, strengthen your immune system, and much more. You can get your daily dose of probiotics and enzymes in our Immune Multi formula!

Don’t Rush Your Food

Digestion begins in the mouth! Chewing your food slowly infuses it with essential enzymes that help to break foods down more fully in the stomach. In our current culture, eating has become an on-the-go event, squeezed in between soccer practice and work deadlines. When you take the time to sit down and fully savor your meal, you may find that you have more energy and less digestive upset afterwards. Simple changes in habits like this can make a big difference in digestive health.

Keep Active

Keeping active is not just about building strong muscles or maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercise also increases peristalsis, the muscular movements that push food through the digestive system and make it easier for the body to break down food.  Make time every day for movement, and you may see not only an improvement in your digestion, but also your waistline!

Manage Stress

Too much stress or anxiety can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Find stress-reducing activities that you enjoy and practice them on a regular basis.


In short, good digestion is often a matter of good habits, diet, hydration, and using natural remedies to keep things on track. 

1 comment

  • Vanessa Beutler

    Very helpful. Thank you. I think ill be ordering some digest ease again and your acidophilus and bifidus.

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