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Natural Seasonal Allergy Relief

Being in the high desert can be frustrating to the gardener in us, but the benefit of living in a climate that is inhospitable to most plants is that air pollen tend to stay at a reasonably low number. However, fall in Southern Utah means that the Rabbit Brush is in full bloom, and it is EVERYWHERE. This cheerful, yellow, flowering bush brings allergy misery to many of us well into the winter months. Here are our favorite natural solutions to seasonal allergies- regardless of the season you find yourself sneezing in!   1) Wash the pollen away Sometimes, relief is as simple as showering in the evening instead of the morning- washing the pollen out of your hair and eyelashes before bed prevents...

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Welcome Fall!

On this first day of Autumn, there is a noticeable crisp in the air here in Southern Utah. The leaves are changing, the mums are blooming, and our flip-flops have been packed away for next summer.  Fall brings with it many different health challenges- lack of Vitamin D and increased sugar intake weakens the immune system, making your body more susceptible to disease, and those who are sensitive to weather changes may notice joint pain or discomfort. To remedy these issues, make sure you're supplementing with Vitamin D and taking a joint support supplement such as Turmeric & Bromelain or Muscle & Joint.  To celebrate the first day of fall, make yourself a pumpkin pie smoothie! If you remember from our previous...

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Back to school essentials

Backpack... Check Pencils... Check Notebooks... Check! School season is officially upon us, and parents everywhere are checking their lists to make sure their child is going to school well-equipped for learning and having fun with their peers. As you were preparing your children for the next nine months of education, did you also prepare them for the bugs, bacteria and viruses that love the close quarters of buses and classrooms?  Here are this mom's back-to-school health essentials! BIO DEFENSE- I really could not live without this fantastic formula. Whenever someone in our family starts coming down with anything from the sniffles to a fever, they know that the first thing to do is grab this formula out of the cabinet! For my...

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Product Spotlight: Immune Multi

In an ideal world, we should be getting the nutrients we need from the food that we eat, but the Standard American Diet (SAD) is severely lacking in most major nutrients and that is why many doctors and clinicians recommend a daily multivitamin.  ...BUT NOT ALL VITAMINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! If you're shopping for your supplements at discount stores, you may as well be throwing your money down the drain because many of those products use cheap synthetic forms of nutrients that have little to no impact on your health, and my even be draining your energy as your body tries to dispose of, rather than absorb, these unattainable 'vitamins'. Lets talk about BIOAVAILABILITY.Bioavailability is the amount of a formula that reaches the bloodstream. Certain synthetic...

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Healthy Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially underway, and the long, hot days bring many opportunities for improving your health that simply aren't available in the dreary cold of winter. Try adding these activities to your summer bucket list, and watch how your vitality improves! 1- GROW A GARDENGrowing your own produce is a great way to get your family connected to their food in a way that simply cannot be replicated in a grocery store. Watching little zucchini, bell peppers or tomatoes grow from blossoms to ripened fruit is magical, and when your produce is home grown you know that it is picked at the peak of ripeness when the food is simply bursting with beneficial vitamins and enzymes. Also, the microbes found in soil...

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