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What to expect during a holistic health consultation

Many more years ago than I'd care to admit, when I was a young mother studying herbology, I had a consultation with a woman who practiced Iridology and Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing). I was fascinated with how easily and accurately she recognized my health issues, and it was at that point that my journey towards finding and developing my own gift for health consulting began. I have since studied many different modalities of identifying disease in the body, such as Iridology, Chinese face mapping, or Ayurveda tongue reading. These ancient tools, along with muscle testing and what I believe to be a gift from the spirit for visualizing energies are what I use to help my clients achieve optimal health. Some might...

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Start at the very beginning: all about Vitamin A (plus a delicious recipe!)

Did you know that Vitamin A isn't just one singular substance or vitamin? "Vitamin A" is actually a blanket term for a powerhouse of nutritional compounds called retinoids that strengthen and support the respiratory system, skin, eyes, digestive system and mucous membranes. Here is a quick rundown on some of the many amazing benefits of Vitamin A: IMMUNE SYSTEM  Throughout the body, but particularly in our digestive tract, vitamin A plays a key role in support of immune and inflammatory functions. Recent Research shows that Vitamin A is a significant factor in making and releasing antibodies, as well as supporting the "braking" function that prevents them overreacting. Immune system responses can not be effectively activated without participation of vitamin A. On the other hand, vitamin A may...

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