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Healthy Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially underway, and the long, hot days bring many opportunities for improving your health that simply aren't available in the dreary cold of winter. Try adding these activities to your summer bucket list, and watch how your vitality improves! 1- GROW A GARDENGrowing your own produce is a great way to get your family connected to their food in a way that simply cannot be replicated in a grocery store. Watching little zucchini, bell peppers or tomatoes grow from blossoms to ripened fruit is magical, and when your produce is home grown you know that it is picked at the peak of ripeness when the food is simply bursting with beneficial vitamins and enzymes. Also, the microbes found in soil...

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Integrative medicine for mental health

The use of antidepressant drugs has skyrocketed in recent years, often for off-label maladies. Doctors are now prescribing anti-depressants for everything from ADHD and eating disorders to hot flashes and irritable bowel syndrome. Working to improve mental health can be a confusing and complex journey, and we believe that journey is best made with a licensed mental health therapist. Numerous studies over the years have proven over and over that therapy or even meditation can make a much more significant difference for those suffering from depression, anxiety or other mental health disorders than medication.   But what if another part of the answer to minor depression and anxiety really is as simple as turmeric, probiotics, or essential fatty acids? This brilliant talk from holistic psychiatrist Kelly...

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Remedies for the nursery

When I get a call that someone's child is sick, the remedies that I recommend to start with are pretty standard. Most of the glycerin extractions in my line were formulated when my own children were babies themselves and I needed to treat them for coughs, runny noses, colic, or diarrhea. A few years ago, I created a "cheat cheat" that I give to my midwifery clients when their baby is born, and I'd love to share it with you here! I hope that this remedy chart helps you when you're up at 3 AM with an uncomfortable, fussy baby and you're not sure what to do!  Problem Herbal Formula Suggestion Essential Oil Suggestion Homeopathic Suggestion Alternative Therapy Colds Propolis...

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What to expect during a holistic health consultation

Many more years ago than I'd care to admit, when I was a young mother studying herbology, I had a consultation with a woman who practiced Iridology and Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing). I was fascinated with how easily and accurately she recognized my health issues, and it was at that point that my journey towards finding and developing my own gift for health consulting began. I have since studied many different modalities of identifying disease in the body, such as Iridology, Chinese face mapping, or Ayurveda tongue reading. These ancient tools, along with muscle testing and what I believe to be a gift from the spirit for visualizing energies are what I use to help my clients achieve optimal health. Some might...

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Start at the very beginning: all about Vitamin A (plus a delicious recipe!)

Did you know that Vitamin A isn't just one singular substance or vitamin? "Vitamin A" is actually a blanket term for a powerhouse of nutritional compounds called retinoids that strengthen and support the respiratory system, skin, eyes, digestive system and mucous membranes. Here is a quick rundown on some of the many amazing benefits of Vitamin A: IMMUNE SYSTEM  Throughout the body, but particularly in our digestive tract, vitamin A plays a key role in support of immune and inflammatory functions. Recent Research shows that Vitamin A is a significant factor in making and releasing antibodies, as well as supporting the "braking" function that prevents them overreacting. Immune system responses can not be effectively activated without participation of vitamin A. On the other hand, vitamin A may...

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